— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I called from the left number. They said they won a certificate and a $100 card. I broke through Yandex, the people say that it is divorced. Here’s one of the comments: "People, I’m also among the winners! So pleasant so pleasant! I have already prepared my "winner" speech when I will be awarded a certificate. There will be tables for 5-6 people in each room. People will be in costumes and dresses. They smoke at the tables, there is a dim light everywhere, nearby the battle band plays unobtrusive jazz.
And here, a glossy, eye-catching representative of the St. Petersburg Consulting Center in white will come on stage, announce my name. I "will be surprised";, everyone will pay attention to me, everyone will smile. A beautiful woman sitting next to me will fix her collar, whisper a pleasant thing to my ear, and I will take a sure step toward the scene. Applauded everywhere. I will stand on stage, in a smoking and butterfly, a conservative hairstyle, a smile of white teeth.
I’ll tell you something about rock and fate, that I’ve been waiting for luck all my life and that’s where she turned to me. Everyone will have their heads shaken and shaken. And then I get a huge paper rectangle with the inscription "1000 $". The curtain.
In general, if you see me, the scratched Consulting Center SPB - go to [***] with your suggestions!!! This imagination ruined me, goats."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna