— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Two years ago, I, a citizen who had never encountered wild animals, enrolled in one project for the protection and breeding of animals using computer technology (it already works and there is a positive effect).
For work it was necessary at least to understand what and how is happening in the forest, and for this we went out with eggs into the forest - to look.
We went back to the forest to take the coordinates. I came to the place, I came out of the "gas" and shaman with the GPS, "catch satellites" - as they called the egheria. Eger Misha, who actually brought me, also got out of the "gas" and turns his legs.
And here in the forest there is some crack and crack, and this crack becomes more loud and begins to approach.
I raise my eyes from the screen of the jeeps and see that on us, breaking the branches and bushes with a completely wild yellow, sits a healthy mother deer-male with already small-grown horns.
A deer, of course, is not a shit, but when this half-ton shit is on you, put the bricks off, like two bytes to send.
I stand, my legs are cotton, feverishly considering where to run and what to hide, and the egger of Misha melancholy squeezes his hand somewhere under the driver’s seat and gets a short (20 centimeters) stick with small nails filled in it. I look at this stick and I understand that with such a goat, even with nails, you get rid of the wild and terrible deer. The deer, seeing the rod, changes direction, rushes to the egge and... slows his backs ahead of him... The deer also begins melancholy to scratch the rod of the deer horns, from which at the same time some hernia and thorns are crushed with layers.
Misha, seeing my shaken eyes, explains:
Their horns are growing and they are very itching. Here they scratch them about the bushes and trees, but there are places on the horns where you scratch the hell with a tree.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna