— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Fuck, you read the tour, and there is a strange impression about Russia. There, the special forces take the safe from the companies every day, while the employees do not hesitate to talk about it.
Children can't figure out what's in the wool to the screw, and even in the old sights (which were used only 8-10 years ago).
The youth is divided in unequal proportions: one part wants to get acquainted, and the other part wants to get acquainted.
Women drop men because of some nonsense.
The children mock the mother, and the parents praise them for it.

Another part of the students are playing in pairs with the teachers, but the same are good! A little wrong - they will close the door on the key, fuck on the back with an airplane or a sign.

And of course, every second quote should show the damn of the United States. Of course, this is where the focus of violence and universal evil! Americans are so dumb that they sign pedals (they are so easy to twist, by the way)

The people! Russia has always been the intellectual center of Europe. Even in the worst times. I don’t know where your brains went, but they atrophy.

To the hooks anonymity: Shevtsov Viktor, Belarus.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna