— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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These five!
This is:
If you were able to turn a banal greeting into a demonstration of your own arrogance and contempt for others and to set up against yourself negotiating partners, as you have not yet learned either the right hand for a normal male greeting or to distance yourself from unwanted touches in time. Who might need such a sluggish and scandalous employee or business partner whose behavior at negotiations depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle?
Guy, and you do not think that a situation where even a banal greeting for a woman is a dangerous situation in which she should have time to distance herself from unwanted touches in time is not a situation in which a man will be able to maintain self-control for a long time? Try yourself at least a week to work in the gay environment, so that at any time you can be hugged or kissed - let's see what you drink and how you will delicately ruin the situation, without bothering anyone's dignity.
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I will add: That is, it is not men should respect the personal boundaries of a woman, and she should turn away? It is great. It is in the same spirit as in Arab countries women are judged (stoned!) For the fact that she was raped - said, she was not strong enough and not screaming loud enough, and also provoked herself with her sexual paranoia. Not to that extent, but the course of thought is roughly the same.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna