— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You know the neighbor.

When we moved to a new apartment a month ago and just lived, a neighbor came to visit us on the site. Right day after day, we pass, as the evening comes - a bell and he knocks at the door like a rod for some occasion. And there are plenty of reasons, all the repairs are done, one needs to be small, the other. Well, neighbors are neighbors, you will not refuse to live, just like grinding, together will have to.
And as he goes in, so for an hour the planner starts, one so, my already will call him to the table, we start with him, we talk, he is still sitting. Then it’s like it’s uncomfortable to just sit down, I think fucking with him, tomorrow I’ll pick up this shelf with ikee – well, I’ll get something. We shake with him once or twice, as if it’s already late, and he’s all sitting, as if someone is holding his tail. Also condemns, like, say, I have you, such an aura in your family is good, very strong, I like it, etc. and etc.
And after all, it is late, the wife is going to sleep, and he is all sitting and sitting, fucking wiped out. Well, for the acquaintance there, all the business, so he, I say, once five so in half a month came in, tired already.

My wife even asked me once - maybe he's an Indian who is North American? - I, he says, watched the show times about them, they also go to visit, and sit and sit until they fall asleep, and what you like, so they become... like children...
Well, we have nothing, thief, thief, is not missing, he just got us already, worse than the preacher.
A couple of weeks later, Shenka, our poppy, suddenly spoke with a neighbor’s voice. The wife then shrugged, and then said that it would be better for the cockroaches to be with us. And I, honestly, already knew I had to do something with this sitcom.

And here, when the neighbor was drawing in the evening, and again we have already drunk tea and my sleep has gone, I got the cognac, shed it, we drank with him, snack, and he is all sitting and as healed.
I then pour a second to us, I drink a drink myself, then I move, put my hand on his knee and say quietly:

You know, my neighbor, and I got up.

That eye on me rolled out, jumped up as a sparkle and to the door as on the wings, I, he says, need to go home urgently, forgot about the matter one important thing! He ran away without drinking.

And most surprisingly, two weeks have passed, and the neighbor since that day I have never seen, as if the UFO took him away, he seemed to have stopped even doing repairs, my wife and I began to worry slightly...
by robertyumen

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna