— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It all started with a train that went deeper and deeper into the forest. Then I moved onto a car that was penetrating through the mud.

Finally we arrived at home, looking completely abandoned. It turned out that there were four people living in it: an elderly woman involved in alchemy, her son, whose thoughts were occupied only by the cleanliness of his shirts, and two of his daughters.

I was supposed to write an article about this family, but every member of the family claimed that nothing unusual was happening.

The first strange thing: Everyone, except the old lady, photographed the space behind each other’s back or back, sometimes for almost a minute. The pictures were not shown, but they were carefully examined.

Strange number two: they all ate the powder that the old lady had cooked. On my questions "How long have they eaten these powders?" and "What is it?" I was told that their family has always eaten powders - the oldest member of the family had special skills and prepared the right amount for everyone.

The strange thing is that everyone hated apples, the apples were cut. The accidental appearance of an apple in the house provoked hysteria in the whole family.

And then he came. And I died. My flesh was eaten, my bones were crushed into powder. I became a defense against the evil that surrounded the family.

What is this movie?? to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna