— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We are two in the department, plus the boss. My colleague smokes. After smoking was prohibited on the doorstep and the smoker was transferred to the neighboring body, the trip to smoke with a girlfriend from the neighboring department turned into an entire operation.

First she calls and asks "Do you want to smoke?" Lenke. Then they together, dividing the list in half, call Katya, Yula, Svetka, Maska, Tanek and Margarita Alekseevna. Then they gather, in the course of the play, calling together a couple of times to find out who is taking the lighter, who has what cigarettes and who will cater for Yulia/Light/Dance, whose cigarettes have ended.

In general, the boss and I gently call this shobla "our chicken".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna