— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Today, the UN Charter was signed on a pair of international law. Prepod talked about two technical cases, the first - when Argentina, in the alphabetical order of compiling the list of countries, was at the top of all (Argentine hosted the dofiga of the German Navy after the Navy), which was absolutely not a comilfo (they were simply confused - the permanent members of the Soviet Security Council were brought up, and already then all the others in the alphabetical), and the second - with Poland, which at the time of signing had two governments, and it was unclear on behalf of which of them to sign. And Pride says:

51 countries signed, but 50 signed. Everyone except Poland. Poland had not yet...

And I thought, and how can we explain the whole situation, or maybe we shouldn’t go deeper at all, well, such a Mhatt pause was shorter.

And who’s his left-handed bumped me not to close the bakery, but to lick “Hands?”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna