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Basically educational:

In Vietnam, once you’ve started talking about it, there’s growing a lot of magical fruits, such as lici, mango, pitaheia, star-shaped apple and many others, which in Russia often don’t even exist in any taste alphabet and online stores. In Vietnam, the world's best Coffee (just so, from the big letter), many Colombian, Brazilian and other "coffee" companies buy coffee in Vietnam and sell it as their "elite" varieties. There is also made a unique coffee, in fact is a product digested by small animals, which is considered the most prestigious, useful and expensive. In Vienna, a huge amount of pearl is grown, which can be purchased at farms at very affordable prices. The largest and most luxurious pearls they send for export. The famous Vietnamese fish sauce from the island of Fu Kuok in Russia, too, you will not find it, at the same time, it by flavor quality by one or two bypasses the chewed soybeans and other popular non-tomatoes. Clothes in Vietnam made of the most luxurious fabrics according to your standards are sewn for a day and for a penny. There silk is made, exotic seafarers are caught, industry is well developed.
So go ironize somewhere else, please :)
Not a travel agent, not a Vietnamese, not a marketer. Just a compassionate.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna