— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And for women, I usually don't notice this, although they have something to cover. Eternal Dinner of Pellmen, gigabytes of porn, "mirror disease" - and many of the charms of the solitary life can be frightened in response. But for some reason only men consider it necessary to speak with irony about a strong and independent woman, without regretting sarcasm.
The question is not in the field. There are people with sick self-esteem. If you reject them, they start to bite and drop you to prove first to themselves that they are a fool, not they do not reach.

The methods are really different. Women are called impotents, impotents, and so on. And men predict loneliness and cats. Why so? Look at how many prostitutes and how many male prostitutes. The old single, being with the money, will find a grandmother, even if not the only favorite. And an old single woman is not a fact, even if there is money. Therefore, men beat on old age and loneliness, and women - on the wallet and potency.

However, honour does not do that either.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna