— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the years of my youth I had to participate in a rough drunk in a fun company, by 12 a.m. one (very talented and creative) comrade so joked that he took off his pants, opened the window on the 4th floor, put the corresponding part of the body in the direction of the night city, and spoke louder than Concord in the take-off: "Joppa-Pageo!!!!He was forcibly kicked out of the window. Now it would be called an installation or flash mob.

yyy: installation is like a sculpture, a flashmob is when a lot of people through the internet, and you had a performance!

The comrade was robbed almost to the "sculpture" state, and to drag him from the window was harder than the sculpture (sculpture does not resist). There was something from the flash mob – his idea he managed to convey to very many, although without the internet.

yyy: if it was a flash mob, then a dozen asses would rise out of a dozen windows at the same time, and so there is a performance with the attraction of viewers as participants.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna