— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When they started dating the guy, they were both poor students. I didn’t care about gifts, money and so on. Then the situation changed. I did better at work than he did. Wages are higher and more stable. I worked more. I started to feel like I was pulling everything on myself. And the guy also used complexes. As a result, you try and at work and at home, and watch yourself, and make him a gift for the holiday. And yet it is not that. And you feel guilty afterwards for your salary, that it doesn’t give him peace. Although the guy is great. Now he meets a girl from his job and is pleased. Their salary is the same, and the weather in the house is excellent. And I, no, I don’t want a millionaire or a daddy on a cool car. But I think, the closer the partners have the level of income, the less they have reasons for conflict. So the size of the wallet, although not a determining factor in choosing a partner, but an important factor
If you both suffer from some complexes and have not been able to get along together, there is nothing to spit on the wallet. We had long periods in the family, when only one worked and nothing: the second did everything at home, both helped and supported each other as they could.

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