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Different sources give different assessments of the risks for the mother. For example, the English-language Wikipedia reports a probability of 1 to 44 for the age of a woman at 50. Plus, the influence of father’s age on the likelihood of having a child with Down syndrome is now being analyzed and seems to be there too.
In addition, there is such a thing as prenatal screening - you can determine the pathology in advance and yes, interrupt such a pregnancy.
So it is, no one is arguing about screening, just abortions do not affect the female body in the best way. And by the age of 30+ it is already becoming difficult, even just to endure. Ask any pregnant woman who has had problems in the process)))
Birth affects the female body even worse (unfortunately, the risk of death and complications during childbirth is higher than in the case of abortion in a medical institution), but women go to these victims. Plus, usually women 30+ have a better financial position and, accordingly, they can better organize their lives.
So the only question is that a woman should get truthful information about the risks and benefits of possible solutions.

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