— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I borrow 16745 "Mishes two, and Mashes five"
You noticed the phenomenon correctly, but only interpreted the message, not understanding the main thing. A girl from a young age is obliged to be an excellence, she is obliged to be careful in everything, any defect will be much harder to be ashamed, and boys are initially given a moratorium on laziness and hooliganism. "He’s going to cheat you? Share sweets with him. It irritates? Help him with homework – a woman should learn responsibility and care. A woman in the teams of superheroes (usually any Natasha Romanoff with breasts and a disgusting accent, the plot is not needed, but there are still exceptions)? For the opportunity to simply be among the protagonists, a woman is obliged to show three times more competence - her smallest mistake under a ten-time critical target, always ready to see what this fool does there, would be done without her. A man is prescribed the right to crack with the knowledge that everyone will understand, forgive, and give the opportunity to somehow correct. If you do not notice, compare with the Japanese oinyame for girls - specifically for girls - where, on the contrary, the man-object will have to under any circumstances stand beautiful in a white thrash, and the anti-ideal heroine, emphasized simple girl, will thumb, scream, eat cakes, periodically condemning the lover to the role of a babysitter.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna