— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I see that...
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I was here on March 8th... congratulated in contact with the girl one cute... wrote a congratulation and a picture. In the picture, a cat-type brought a bouquet of flowers - a mercy to melt. Nothing confused me. Just I sent a message - in the tape this same photo with the signature of the "8 March independent woman"... I now understand why I don't have a girlfriend, I am a pathological troll.
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This is not a troll, it is a society. A couple (and more) years ago (and a bouquet of cats is not a banana, it is a classic, google) I quietly sent this photo to different girls I knew, exclusively to delight and raise the mood. And it worked, and no one joked about “independent women.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna