— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Young:

To all the book storytellers: Who gives you such stories? Where do you find that? o_o

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In the libraries and grandchildren ;). When I was 15, it was 1988, and my reading card in the central city library weighed half a kilo. And there was nothing more - on TV two programs, in the cinemas for a couple of weeks went the same film, and well, if it was "Phantomas", the newspapers were "Izvestia", "Pravda" and "Komsomolskaya Pravda". The magazines were pure enthusiasm. "Science and Life" (Endless Enthusiasm), "Around the World" with a tiny fantastic story on the pre-last page (it was the cherry blossom at the holiday, which this magazine was undoubtedly then), "The Young Naturalist" and other beautiful windows into the infinite world.
Most of them are libraries. There were anthologies of fiction, collections of works by Dumas, Hugo, Verne, various books - Asimov, Herbert, Iron, and so on to infinity. Most of these books have been translated by artists.

The stories remained in memory. The names are forgotten.


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