— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A story about the mines. This case told my old roots, I have no reason not to believe him. In our countryside, coal lies quite close to the surface and, in order not to be wasted on the trunk, the stoves were dug. From the combination they were brought to the entrance, well, and there on foot to the bowl. Further from the first person: Briefly reached the workplace, rubbed the coal, well, and sat "slow down", i.e. drink a cup of bottles and eat on the butter. We sit, we eat, we drink, we talk. It was in 1982, under the Communists. We were with the horse at the park. Lamps on helmets never turn off. So here... I sit in front of this partorg and I notice that he is looking somewhere behind me, while his eyes become just like tea dishes. Suddenly he jumps on his feet and begins to baptise small, small. The partridge!! I am protecting here, and so is everything. I turn around to see what is there, and I begin to baptize myself and swipe off at the "fifth point" closer to the exit. Because we were moving on... The fucking!! The most real devil, with a beard, horns, and terrible red eyes. Black as coal...Mlyaja, I’ve never sprinkled like this in my life. Our entire bandit, with a wild reverence, dropped everything, rushed from the low start to the exit. The first came by the partorg of the fox, followed by everyone else. The tenor at the exit shook when he saw us, thinking the accident was what. But when they said about the devil, he stumbled like a merine from the collective landfill and went to see. He came back, just like us, very quickly. He was no longer laughing. From the darkness came a whirlwind. Everyone turned their heads to the noise, in the light of the lights again the hell rose appeared. We are already out in the light!! Fuck me now! Whoever is waiting for a bitch. And here it rolls out... a goat, yes, the most real domestic goat! Only black as the night itself, the mine is coal. Apparently somewhere in the old production failed Pidor and wandered looking for a way out, here the light, people, the scent smells. He went to the light, to the people. And while we took our legs, he quietly ate our "brakes", and on our way to the light... In short, this cattle added us gray hair a lot, I don't even talk about partorga. His career crashed on a goat in the smell. By the way, he told me a lot of funny and curious cases, but this is the next time...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna