— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Pontiac:
In high-end educational institutions, where care is given about the quality of the specialists, a large competition for the place of the teacher is sufficient. The administration has a choice, and therefore it is usually taught not only by professionals, but also by a strange conjunction of circumstances, intelligent, adequate people. It is unlikely that such a person will come to mind dressing up for work in God knows what, so that people then laugh and look behind their backs.
But in educational institutions, the class will be easier to tolerate a strangely dressed inadequate if he is a good professional.
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But in the hottest educational institutions, where they teach not just recruited professionals by the administration, but major scientists who have personally discovered what they are telling, the type of "crazy scientist" is very common. Thus, in general, it does not matter who is dressed and dressed in any way, and they will teach so that very quickly and you will stop noticing such little things.

Of course, "Faculties of Innovative Management" even in these educational institutions this does not apply.

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