— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You and your clothes have already blinked your eyes incredibly! In fact, nobody said anything. In reality, research has long been conducted and data has been obtained that people work better when they are comfortable - i.e. compulsory heels or other clothes that block movements negatively affect the productivity of the employee. The same with the freezing of offices - it was previously believed that people in a cold office were more alive and exhausted, and it turned out that everything was exactly the opposite - for optimal performance a comfortable temperature was needed. Well, the fact that some of the chiefs of Ebla are a Kabbalah news from the past millennium. Ah, yes - advisors to be fired from work, if people don't like something, it is better to push their tongues into a point - there is their place. So there are ideal vacancies around "choose - I don't want", these people are just stupid, ah.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna