— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In nature, there are such men who can in the best case only get out of the entrance, and in an hour they look as if he had eaten and slept in these things for a week. And yes, he is praised for what he wears, he is in any surprise from the first run.
However, among women, they also fall, just girls in this regard are usually raised stricter.
If you walk in clothes, and not wear carefully, like a basket of eggs in the subway at the peak hour, then, of course, temperament and accumulation will be enough for a short time. and what? The main thing is that people and clothes do not smell and there is no obvious dirt (except for shoes in wet weather, this is the norm). And such a person looks like a person, not like a shit TP, constantly fixing and wiping the shoes with towels. The clothes are for us, not we for the clothes.! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna