— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A fresh story, just yesterday morning:

I came to change in the firm car service winter wheels for summer wheels, from storage, they also...
I sit in the hall, I drink coffee, and suddenly I am called to the master, there I was recommended to change the brake pads (although the car is new, ran 20 thousand) - and it was after 2 minutes after I walked into the gate, I thought, they didn't even have time to remove the winter wheels!!! to
This alarmed me, although I agreed to the replacement, and after thinking, since from the inside of the waiting room to the workshop do not get (pass system), I just bypassed the building along the street and went through the open door of the garage gate....
There I saw this picture: the master next to my car is digging in a container with garbage, consuming some rust pile, and putting it in a branded, with a logo, a bag of spare parts. And in the bag, Tom has one rugged pad already lying... At the same time, my winter wheels are still on the car...
It became clear that no pads were changed to me, apparently, they are so normal in such a run, and the old look to present when issuing invoices, like mine, after replacement...
After evaluating the situation, he did not argue with the master, did not go back to the reception, and immediately, from the shop, quickly went to the office to the boss.
And what do you think he said to me after hearing all this?? to
“How did you get into the cage?”

Further: extremely reluctantly, after talking on elevated tones, the replacement of pads from the account was still removed, it was not even necessary to remove the wheels and demonstrate that the native factory pads are worth, and not their zero, but I was ready to argue to the end and be in that service at least the whole day...

Is it necessary to say that the bill still had the amount for storing the wheels (although I bought winter tires from them, and in the autumn the advertisement was that storing the wheels when buying a set of rubber from them - for free, and after such a plum with pillows - I generally asked them to load the removed winter wheels into the salon)
After half an hour of trial - and this position was erased...

Thank you for not killing me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna