— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From the discussion of the trolling of military psychologists
A sort of trolling. I was trolling a little differently. I went to the psychiatrist, there is a aunt, which is clearly all up to the fancy. He asks questions, he does not listen to answers. In the end, I’m silent, she’s writing something on a card. I am bored! I say:
- Write something that my roof is running and I am not suitable for service.
Still not looking up and crawling the pen:
I can not. We talked to you and I did not have the impression that something was wrong with you.
“Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, right? – I’ll tell you like I feel like someone is watching me all the time.! to
Here she has already broken away from the papers, looked over the glasses, smiled with a smile of the appearance "son, you would know how many such scratches I have visited here", and declares:
A young man, with such a smile, does not talk about such things.
And then my subconscious without pause, without my involvement, on full autopilot gives an epic:
What if I get it?! to
Here she no longer found anything to say - shrugged her eyes, opened her mouth, then closed it, and stuck back in the paper. So many years have passed, and I still remember that expression of amazement and confusion on her face.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna