— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The strange girl:

to pay the alimony, azaza"

What if the man does not live for anything? If his family has other children? What about it all, doesn’t matter?
and stop. Shouldn’t a man think when he swallowed? In this case, the woman is responsible. Growing and educating. Even if it was stupid, she did it.
But what about a man? No is? Could he get electricity? It is his problem that is there. The child is him, however. And for the child, it is figured out which of the two is the bigger fool. Now he needs the care of his mother. And at least no copycat from the dad, although he wanted to swing in an unknown direction.
P.S If he has other children, the amount of alimony will be reduced. But the obligation to pay alimony does not cancel. For this duty is not in relation to the woman with whom she accidentally got out, namely the child.
P.S to P.S even if both mom and dad, in general, will give up the child or will even be deprived of parental rights both, and the child will be sent to children. The child can still receive alimony from both parents. from one and the other. Only guardianship agencies.
Why is? It is the responsibility of parents to maintain their biological children. Whether they want it or not. Parents of both sexes, yes.

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