— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Then, before meeting me, he gave 100% of the child's salary, and ate what friends and relatives would help. However, this lady had little and she regularly called and complained that the money was not enough, that the child wanted this, this and that. Do you know why people hate? Why does the child not have feelings? In general, she is VERY evil and benevolent Baba-Yaga.
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According to the law, he must give only 25% of the salary to the child. Everything else (if true) is his and only his decision. And his problem is that he is so vertebrate (there is immediately the question - are you sure that you want a baby from a slime? Madam knows all about the perversions.
You are 100% lying. His family members held him in custody for four years. Where do I find such relatives to pay for housing, food and clothing to the infantile nonsense, who spends their money unclearly on what? This is at least 100 thousand rubles a year.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna