— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Fifteen years ago, I started working as an accountant at a large bread factory. In the summer, the report for 6 months, made the VAT declaration, and printed, left for the morning. According to the law of wickedness from the morning 1C gives a mistake, HORROR! I cannot enter the base. One hope is Philippisch – our admin. He came, sat quietly, and said, “Oh! Nothing to yourself! At each of his phrases I experienced a heart attack - until the closure of the tax office there were 4 hours left, I will not have time to re-declarate physically. After 20 minutes I couldn’t stand, I asked, “What happened? Declaration is missing? Philippich stared at me in astonishment: “What base? Aaaah, it’s okay there. You, the columns are connected, I set you a speaking clock – every hour will be time to report!”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna