— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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With pleasure!

Gentlemen atheists, if you already know how to live without crutches, you should not beat them out of those who have not yet learned. That is at least ugly. Try to make it softer. On the other hand, teach your children to live immediately without crutches.

Is it possible that my child is not surrounded by religious propaganda from all sides? There is no spirit in schools. So that the mother-in-law did not teach me to pray and did not rub that my mother was a sinner and apostate, and then the child with tears and hysteria did not hang on me, begging me to go to church and repent? It is very difficult in the current situation to protect a child from brain disability.
P.S The husband of the mother-in-law was so oral, so oral! It is :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna