— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was in the mail today. The wife received a package and stood in a line of three people for half an hour. At this time, I walked around a kiosk, which sells everything in the post office. Books for example. On each - a price list with a large logo "POST OF RUSSIA". Books, mostly pocket books. The result is a full set:
Die with Me, Post of Russia.
The Black Line of the Russian Post.
Give me a hand, darkness is the post of Russia.
Sworn in the Dark: Russian Post.
And in the final - three children's books "Puzzle-Drawing" under the names: "Attention! Not for kids - Post of Russia", "Attention! Not for cowards - Post of Russia" and "Attention! Not for yellow roots - Post of Russia"!! to
They don’t lie about what is characteristic.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna