— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Now they were travelling to Karamzinka from the military committee. Examination by a psychologist:
Imagine you are watching a movie in the cinema. The cinema is full of people. You notice a fire, what do you do?
I will try to attract the attention of others.
And all that? Notify the cinema administration.
So if the administration is in the room, she will hear it. And if not, why would I run all over the cinema to look for administration while the people in the hall are burning?
People have heard you, so what? The doors in the hall are still closed!
So how can I run to the administration if the doors are closed?
Not those doors. The Emergency! The ordinary doors are narrow, but the emergency key is in the administration.
“That is, I have to look for the administration, take the key from the emergency doors, take it back and open the doors, and all this while there are people in the hall burning without suspicion?
So if people run to the narrow door, they will not have time to get out, they will burn or drown!
"Well, since everything is so serious and the fire is so big, how can I hide this secret from other people while I run to warn the administration?

I went away. Per, I thought: "A fool is unknown"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna