— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I see, there has been a disgusting fashion of demonstrating hatred for one’s neighbors through stories, for example, about the dignity and wickedness of the elderly, especially the grandmothers.

Then I will tell you. I am physically a full-fledged young man at the height of my strength – I am now 40, a child 8. Five or six years ago, when the child was 2-3 years old, we drove public transport to the country and from the country. There are no buses, no heavy cargo. From the country is more difficult - a crowd of holidaymakers with the fruits of the Russian land hit buses, everyone has bags, wheelchairs, carts... And a lot of grandmothers. So these nursing grandmothers, seeing that I had a child sitting on one hand, and in the other a container with fruits, gave me a place. Not to the child "sitting down, baby, what you are a chicken", but to me, a normal young man who is not eternal.
They wanted to do a good thing, they did it. Because people are good.

When I walked with my baby in a wheelchair and returned home, if I met someone at the entrance who wanted to go in or out, I was always opened and held, regardless of gender and age. Not an old woman, not a pregnant woman, not a young man. And you know these high school-age guys who are on the first floor of the multi-storey on the site in the evenings are going to talk mat, smoke, and sometimes drink beer? Everyone treats them with fear and caution, and I too. So they not only opened the door and held it, but offered a wheelchair to help bring. Honestly, I officed myself. I did not trust the car, but thank you for the offer.
Well, in the supermarkets passed forward, seeing that with the child - it is in general small things. Someone will be surprised, too.

I sit here and think, why did I do that wrong? After all, the "grim grandmothers" should have said "the child himself did - himself with him and babysitter, our place here is legal, we are wounded on the Kolchakov fronts." The passengers at the entrance had to ask to smoke, give in the mouth and take out the wallet. In the supermarket, everyone is equal. For some reason, people are good. I do not understand what the matter is. Maybe it’s because I’m human, and they feel it. Per it is that I live not in these of your capitals, but far beyond the Urals in Novosibirsk, and people have still preserved humanity and human dignity in their mass... But this is the contradiction between the "five minutes of hatred" against the elderly and personal experience that has flourished in recent days.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna