— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Button: I with the sound off aska said o-o.... and no message came... I heard. This is not Gluck!!!=-o
Demyan: This is a black asshole
Demyan: Well, this is the story.
Demyan: There was a boy. This is normal, only impulsive. He was an advanced man, he sat a lot in the ass. And here came his girlfriend, they met for a while, but then the girlfriend got that he was sitting in the compass all the time and she sent him on the ass. And he hanged himself. On this subject, he was buried. A while has passed, in the company, so the girl sits and there weeps, walks and everything. The computer was turned on. This is a kind of "o-o!and "
The button: O_O
Demyan: She was such a shit to comp... And there was no type of message from anyone... Well they decided what it seemed. Then friends became separated. She was home alone. I decided to sit in the ass and here again, "o-o" and nifiga. Well she has already heard everything clearly... And the message didn’t come... Well she’s such a type of buzz need less!!! I went to the bathroom. Returns a type of message from the murdered guy: "It’s all because of you!!She turns around... And behind her back hangs that guy!!! to
Demyan: She was found dead this morning. And since then the black asshole has followed all the unfair computer lovers)))
You frightened me, I am afraid now.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna