— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Immediately recall quotes, as someone scratched eggs with garlic, peppers or other hands.
So I immediately think that at home you are not only cooking without gloves, but also without pants.
There is something to try in the guests...

With spicy pepper is quite real and in normal sanitary conditions. The fact is that capsaicin (a substance that provides burning pepper) is very poorly dissolved in water, but perfectly - in fats. Therefore, it settles well on the hands (no one cancelled skin fat) and is badly washed with water when washing hands. T.o If you go to the toilet even an hour and a half after cooking (and regular hand washing, of course) and touch the sensitive skin with the hands on which capsaicin remains... But wiping your eyes with these hands is even worse.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna