— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This respected Lord.
by yuritikhonravov:
Isn’t it obvious that Christ’s resurrection and Gagarin’s flight are links in the same chain? Had Christ not risen, Gagarin would not have flown into space.Without the Resurrection event, the apostles would not have preached to all nations. Without the apostolic sermon, the unique Christian ethics of reality transformation would not have developed and spread. Without Christian ethics there would be no modern science (Murton's thesis) and no industry (Weber-Trolch's thesis). Without modern science and industry, there would be no race between different Western countries and their imitators, as it has not been for thousands of years. Without this race, there would be no competition in the 20th century between Protestant America and Russia, which has imitated America by combining Christian ethics with materialism. Without this competition, would we need this space?

Friend, if there were no dark ages, inquisition and other joys, then man in space would be the first time not April 12, 1961, but the edak on November 8, 1640. So what about you guys.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna