— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The ancient Greeks did not fly. And the blasphemous wild Americans met Columbus and Magellan? Why did they not go into space, did they have a thousand and a half years without Christianity? The Chinese have not flown to beat for four thousand years.
The Christians, with all their inquisition and other horrors, pushed the fucking progress into the mountain.
No need here.

The Greeks did not develop progress because of their beliefs - physical labor, thoughts about physical were considered the prerogative of a slave and are not worthy of a free husband. The same Archimedes with the mechanics, Fidias with the sculptors and others were considered lower people. The best of them did not go to science. But they developed theories that we still use (Gugliem atomism).

All European science is based on Arabic texts, mostly translated from Greek and Indian. Had it not been for the Mahometans, we would not have had the knowledge of the Europeans of Galen or Hippocrates, for in almost 1,000 years from 476 Europe has forgotten everything (by the way, here it makes sense to bow down Stochasticism and Galenism, to the question of Christian progress).

And the driver of progress was not religion (at least not directly), but war. War and money. Lily guns are better than bells. Charged with Chinese powder. And the rockets were not built to fly into space, to see the goddess, but to bring a friend and neighbor a lot of joy in the powder equivalent. The same Columbus did not sail for Christian sanctuaries or a vow to India, but for trade and gold, like the Vikings before him.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna