— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A few small remarks.
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And is it not the salt that is for adult girls and not schoolgirls of 12 years???? Not every parent will like that his daughter dances like a Brazilian shalawa.
In general, every dance has its time and place, and with a aunt who made herself a choreographer and so it's clear - you whisper and get angry? So you know what you earned, and why, and for what kindergartens you taught them - let the investigation work out the salary.
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All so only they are not 12, but 16-18, and not vice versa, but with the consent of parents, who knew what hardening is. And it was not an upset parent who put it out, but a kind of upset left-handed shit from the mountain, whispering at dancing girls. But the message is correct - it is necessary to prohibit dancing until the age of 30, and only the Russian people, no belly dances, plastic stripes and other things, and then there is a joke prepared. We have a prostitution that goes from dancing, do you respected expert?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna