— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Dance school lessons for parents.
The question is another - what kind of paedobirst used to look at children and who was so excited that he initiated a criminal case?
And the main question is: is it all so crazy?
There was a suitable style for girls with large and beautiful lower 90+, and now because of the protest will run out of the costly girls and the direction will be like the male horn in Russia ((
Because political prostitutes are ready for anything, only to be voted for them. And the dumb, complicated and lazy housewives are a weak layer of the electorate. We tell them, “Your sons grow up to be lazy and aggressive fools because of the violent computer games, and your daughters grow up to be stupid because of the disgraceful dances. Your example has nothing to do with this. Here you choose us, we will ban everything - and it will be right away. No-no, who says that you had to raise your ass from the couch and engage in children - lies, " - and here is a few seats at the elections they have in their pocket, you can join the feeder. By the way, the size of the ass of the dancers here in general has nothing to do with, in the extreme case you can find a child psychologist who interprets the tails of cats on the picture like penises. There was a precedent.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna