— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Two pennies for the wrong bees.
Girls (if you are reading this), the problem is not that you’ve studied hard. The problem is that this dance is purely sexual, and you look like people who have not reached the age of consent. And the second – and more important – problem is that you painted it badly. It came to the eyes of the public. It would be danced well – people would get scratched, but they would say, “A disappointment... But how they dance!” "This is how they react, for example, to Latin American dances. And what you showed was not called 'dance', but 'children' shalves shake their asses, even if you are not.
So the next time, in order not to deceive yourself and the teachers, or dress more modestly, or rehearse more.
by Dixi.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna