— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Do not stop on the hard! It is necessary to ban all pairs of dances (teachers of Latin American dances - immediately put in place), classical ballet (there are also men in kalhotka!!!It is better not to let girls under 18 on stage. There are also all kinds of sports where the athlete can unintentionally get up in a knee-armpit position, kick off the filament or spread the legs to the public: artistic and sports gymnastics, sports dances, synchronous swimming, figure skating, volleyball, football (and suddenly!All types of wrestling, yoga, light and heavy athletics, big tennis, billiards, etc. It is also necessary to remove from all resources the records of relevant junior competitions and Olympic Games (remember how old our champions?) Finally, you need to expel from actresses and sports all women who resemble teenagers in their body and/or face, regardless of age, rank and presence of children.

Could we become Saudi Arabia?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna