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It is more understandable:

Book of Genesis, Chapter 1

andquot; 3 And God said, Let there be light. It became light.
4 is And God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness.
12 is And the earth produced greens, grass <...>
16 is And God made two great lights: the larger lights to rule the day, and the smaller lights to rule the night, and the stars.
Well you all understood: first the light, then the trees... and only then the sun, ah. The moon was shining, well. This is, in principle, the most beautiful illustration of human knowledge at the time the Bible was written. Why some people still try to judge morality by it is a mystery. Especially considering the fact that, for example, for the raped daughter it was supposed to take 50 silver coins and give her to marry the rapist, or even in slavery in general to sell, if you can. Not to mention the name of God is in the commandments, and not to rape women - not. It is very indicative who wrote this book and what they had in their minds. Thief is ugly.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna