— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Someone, Roger Gay, an airline employee, decided to use his right and fly from London to Manchester for free.
Arriving at the airport, he boarded the plane and found that the seat indicated in his landing pass was already occupied, and sat down in another free seat.
The plane was quickly filled. A few minutes later, a woman in the shape of an airline (not a stewardess) entered the salon with a list of passengers in her hand. She approached the place where Roger Gay was supposed to sit and asked the man sitting there:
Are you gay?
The man turned red, squeezed into the chair and in a quiet voice replied, “Yes.”
An airline employee said:
Sorry, but you will have to go.
Roger realized that there were no free seats on the flight, and he, with his free ticket, had to fly on another flight.
He raised his hand and said:
I am gay.
Then he stood up and began collecting his things.
Suddenly, in several rows from him, another passenger rose up and said with an angry voice:
I am also gay. If we stay together, they’ll throw us out of this plane!

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