— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ]
In the office of the kiosks: it is necessary to urgently gather from the managers of the projects super-important and timely information-which-needed-everybody sent letters yesterday with the requirement to immediately send services with information on the name (conditionally) of Metel Maria Ivanovna...

Silence in the air.
Lenny flows minutes, turning into clocks.
and here! Finally! The first call in two hours from the first of the twenty-five project managers! He wants to clarify!
Of course, everyone is ready to rush to him immediately for help, anything - only to obtain information.

"Say, - lazyly crawling, asks from, - but this name, Metel, is she - sloping?"

Silence in the air.
Lenny flows minutes, turning into clocks.
I love my office.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna