— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In Bulgaria, there is a custom, starting from March 1st (the holiday "Baba Martha") to wear red and white wool-made jewelry-martiches. They are worn until there are signs that the spring has finally come.

A friend who lives in Bulgaria said:
My school daughter talks with an adult Bulgarian friend about martiniches:
Wear it until the end of March. You can also remove earlier if you see a flowering tree, straw or straw.
The stitch is what? - asks my daughter, who does not know the word "aist" in Bulgarian.
He is the one who brings the children. Did your mother tell you who brought the children?
and d.
Well who? - asks a Bulgarian friend, obviously waiting to find out how this bird is called in Russian.
Sex without condoms. Maybe I won’t look at it, but better wait to meet a blooming tree?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna