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Regarding programs and foreign films, here the principles need to be revised. But domestic films (Soviet - all, Russian - 99%) are already paid by us at the stage of production. Because they are filmed for the state account. The ticket to the cinema is a payment for the service of the movie show: a large screen, stereo sound, a comfortable chair, pop-corn at the child's right and beer at the copper on the left, comments behind the back... - for this you pay. The director, actors, screenwriters and other costumers with grimers received their salary for this. And the film studio got its "gen contractors". So for some reason, supporters of copywriting say that the film studio (the studio, and not the actors / directors, who, according to copywriters, are starving) should receive another 75 years some money for the products it has ordered and handed over to the customer. What is a finite legal nonsense on all the laws in force, besides the same - about their "dumb rights" on our "leave".
As for the film productions of the Soviet period, I personally believe that since art belongs to the people, all citizens of all countries that formerly formed the USSR have the full right to free circulation of Soviet film productions.

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