— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XX: The cat of the cat. Take 3/4 of the tablet. As if she gave. The child rushes - the mother, Barcy spit the pill! On the automate, I take a cat, write in my throat what was brought to me. Then it came out that it was a piece of spat :facepalm: so it looks like a quarterback

UUU: when the English bulldog lived, he ate everything :P, he could eat a net of roasted onions, or baby nipples %), the peak of his idioticism was the eating of a courtyard carpet from a coconut bed on a rubber substrate :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: Three days you tried to die....but I just didn't get away from it, they pulled the giardi from that world.
Like he ate my mom’s diamond earpiece :facepalm:, so I went after him with a bag and gloves, almost a week, caught :-). So to close the half of the matter, but to pull something out...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna