— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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User Agreement

Ubilling is distributed under the GNU GPL v.2 license, fully open source and completely free of charge.
It has always been, and it will remain. without any compromises. This is SPARTA OPENSOURCE!! 1
One who condemns himself to the use of this product accepts the fact that no one owes him anything.
There are no guarantees, neither explicit nor implied. Everything works as it works.
Before using Ubilling, believers are advised to put a candle in the temple, atheists - hemorrhoidal.
We are not responsible for the chaos, panic, destruction and apocalypse arising during the operation.
If you have questions, try to read the documentation.
If the documentation did not give answers about the meaning of life - try to ask on the forum
By default, all bugs are bugs, if you think you’ve found a bug – try using it in everyday life well or tell us.
If you have some kind of hotel needed strictly for you - you can implement it yourself, or order, or continue to want. This is a hint that no one is suited to working full-time for free.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna