— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Somewhere in the early 2000s, my girlfriend went to school as a painting teacher. Firstly, the drawing there was even in the high school, secondly, the majority of children came to the lessons of drawing even without paper. What they did there before her, and the naphiga in general in this school was painting lessons, I do not know. But some month after getting to work, a friend was told that the children should draw something about tolerance. If the junior classes painted mostly a black and white child holding hands, then the senior classes completely went into the topic of LGBT.
Reviews of the "child paintings"
"To draw something worthless, you have to paint at least a little"
"Academic drawing here doesn’t smell, even if touched"
"It is still unclear what sex these creatures are. How do you know they are gay? Per this alien is walking out the alien dog... or buriing it"
"The author refused to answer how many creatures he depicted"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna