— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The case was at the military. Since I was fucking on the trip with classmates, and I had to give the assignment, I was called separately.
Well, there’s a crowd of dudes like me, and they’re waiting for the turn.
to go to the office and get the case, for further passing doctors.
Vanity, the people of darkness, each of the entering murmur 15 minutes.
In short, a complete shit. And here in the depth of the corridor on the side of the central entrance, a lady with a wheelchair appears.
The grave silence hangs, and I start all, break up in front of the wheelchair.
The woman persistently advances to the office, where the affairs are handed out.
And having reached the goal, he enters there with the words, I literally for a moment, while the door, leaving open, enters. And there is the following dialogue between the employee of the military committee
(B) and the woman (D)

D: Here is the agenda we came...
Q: Who are we?
B: Me and my son.
Q: Where is my son?
Here he is in the wheelchair.
A: You are what? Are you embarrassed?
D: No shit, I’m serious, here’s the agenda.
What you, fools, did not know.
How old is my son and how old is he?
The child in the family is your problem.

He leaves the office with words.
D: The law must be observed, if you are called, go!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna