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To all those who argue about the influence of the movie "Maleficent" on the psychic of children:

The rating of the tape is 12+ and "Parental presence is recommended".

If you are a parent, be present. And explain all the complex, incomprehensible or simply “wrong” scenes from your point of view. Talk to the child. Speak to. Tell "what the author wanted to say" and what you think about it. Bring your point of view on this world, (uncertain article), since you are a parent.

Or it turns out straight classic "we don’t like how television raises our children, let’s ban bad channels".

And the age after 12 years is precisely the time when the child can already understand that the world is not divided into black and white, and artistic characters can have complex. Multiple characteristics.

Mother of a 9-year-old girl.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna