— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ]
Independent then first-class girls, well, say, you can compare the situation and life then (20 years ago? by 30? How much? ) And now...? There were not so many terrible news, there were not so many frostbite behind the wheel, psychics were forcibly treated, not what it is today.

30 years ago, 1985, restructuring, deficit, the global star of the economy and other joys of life. For a double on the street could be killed, psychic... well, the sadly famous Chikatilo was just at that time, and he was not the only one who went, just the most famous.
20 years ago, 1995, the laws are all put on, mint is worse than the bandits, citizens in raspberries if you are knocked down on the road, so you still have to stay. Aggressive youth finds out relationships in cages, sometimes with fatal outcomes.
So now compared to what was still quite quiet and quiet time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna