— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The grandmothers are easier. If there was one child, two with a new husband, the quality of life does not change, the amount of housework changes, but after all, the man brings money!
and ah. The grandmother will not take the child’s side. The man will not change. Well yes yes yes yes. My son and I just got off with one of them. I didn’t even get to travel. She made it clear to me and showed it:
When she is concerned with her child, it is also important to educate. When I’m my own, it’s me who wastes time on every jerk when she’s lonely. When she is ill – I have to give up everything and come, like a child and sit over with someone. When I need something – and as she throws her bloodshed, she can’t do without her mom... and so on. Her bloodshed is three years older than mine. Oh yeah, I’m a man and I owe it to everyone... In short, babies, go on. I will interrupt somehow. And if it is completely helpless with the hand - a prostitute will be removed. It is cheaper. For your wallet and your nerves.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna