— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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by Diana Udovichenko:

Speaking of phobias. And they were great, and they were great.
That is, it turns out, a vampire is a person suffering from porphyria, plus allyumophobia and argentophobia.
Androticolobomassophobia (sorry, lords) was in Anna Karenina. Couldn’t she even look at Karenina’s ears?
All our church figures, who see the number of the devil in passports, barcodes and other things, suffer from hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia. And 90% of the population is sick with nomophobia, because the people are now disturbed by gadgets.
Schoolchildren often have gnosiofobia, because they do not want to study.
Well, and I have phobophobia after this list, because it turns out, you can be afraid of absolutely anything. That scares me. 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna